JavaScript was invented by Brendan Eich at 1995 in just 10 days. It was supported by Netscape and partnered Sun cooperation under the code name MOCHA.
Based on Schema and Script, when it was released on Netscape JavaScript.
Microsoft reverse engineered it and created Jscript as the previous trademarks are patterned.
This was released on IE3 browsers on 1996. In order to maintain standards on the JavaScripts and accessing it on all browsers it was taken to the European Computer Manufacturing Association (ECMA), hence getting the name ECMAscript.
There has been many revisions of ECMAScripts, but the most famous one was ES5 released on 2005, following ES6 on 2017. Java and JavaScript are two completely different languages.
The other names of JavaScript are ECMAScript, MOCHA, LiveScript and Jscript. It is also one of the most widely used languages for creating web application.
Usage of Programming languages in 2019, Source.