What is Cypress
Cypress is a modern front end testing tool. The following is the official description from their docs, Cypress is a next generation front end testing tool built for the modern web.
We address the key pain points developers and QA engineers face when testing modern applications.It also offers us to Set up tests, Write, Run and Debug.
Advantages of Cypress
It has several real time edge over the selenium in menu ways,
Mocking server request and response (API request). Intelligent wait between page and element load.
Provide a debugging tool to effectively debug the problem. Cypress takes real time screenshots when tests are ran.
Recording entire test and it was built on node.js
Its been bundled with JQuery (Javascript to manipulates DOM). Forcing action over the web element in webpage and so on.
Why should we learn Cypress
It does not uses Selenium and it have few advantages over it. It also addresses many challenges of modern web application testing i.e, the security of the data and maintaining behaviors in dynamic application.
It is currently booming in the industry and steady steam of people are looking forward to use this tool and this is definitely the tool we have to learn if you wish to become QA Architect.
Official site of Cypress - https://www.cypress.io/
Official Blog - https://www.cypress.io/blog/
Documentation - https://docs.cypress.io/guides/overview/why-cypress.html#In-a-nutshell