Lunch you Android Studio. Once it is launched you will the following list of option displayed on it, its self explanatory and click Start a new Android Studio Project on it.

Now you will be prompted with the following window containing Template or Preset for various android devices. We can use Empty activity and we will exit or customize it to our need. Choose Empty activity and click next.

The next window is important, this windows will decide what will be your project and application name which you won't be able to edit later. So choose wisely, same goes for the package name which will usually be you website in reverse followed by you project name. Followed by it you will have the project location which can be modified and language on which you application or activity is written.

The Minimum API level is that on was API you wish to develop your application, keep in mind that if you choose API 26 then your application won't run on Android having API below 26. For more information on clarity click the Help me choose which will open a windows the statistics details on android devices used world wise.These results may vary based on the time you are viewing it(Has to be connected to Internet to work.

Click finish after entering and selecting all the fields to open-up your android application.

The Gradle will take few seconds to build your project. Once build you will see and activity_main.xml.
On the next section we will see few basics of Android Studio.