1. A simple student laptop will do the trick, and no high end CPU is needed for practicing Selenium.
2. Download and Install Python on to your system. Visit https://www.python.org/ and download the latest Python installer.
3. Download Firefox Nightly from https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/developer/.
4. Installing Selenium for Python, type the following command in your terminal. Note : For below command to work you should have installed pip onto your python.
Installing via Console :
pip install -U selenium
If you have already installed selenium on to your python then you will the similar output on your console.
Installing via Installer
Download the installer for the following link https://pypi.org/project/selenium/#files and run the executable.
python setup.py install
Now downloading selenium driver for the Firefox, https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases
5. Download VS code from the following link https://code.visualstudio.com/.
Then install with admin privileges. Open VS code one it is done installing.