From earlier posts we would have noticed that text in the Tkinter application won't be crisp and clear when compared to native application running on the system. This is a common problem on application running using Tkinter, there is a workaround to fix the problem in windows by making the use of High DPI in Operating system Windows 10.
First lets see what is High DPI, DPI generally translates to Dots per Inch. High DPI displays have increased pixel density compared to standard DPI displays. Using the ctypes we import windll and provide DPI awareness to our Tkinter program.
try :
from ctypes import windll
except :
Just insert the above provided code snippet onto you Tkinter program to enable High DPI awareness. From the snap you can clearly see the difference in text on window when Tkinter is enabled and when Tkinter is disabled.
This might be a small difference but when working with a complex program these small thing will annoy and won't give full fullness.