We can split this section in 2 ways, Python Installation and MySQL Installation.
Python Installation
Depending upon the OS you use, you have to download appropriate package from this link https://www.python.org/ . Make sure you download the latest version and start the installer.
After the installation you can verify that my entering the below command,
python --version
This will show what version of python have you installed, if you have no error displayed then it shows you have successfully installed package.
Now installing MySql connector for python, use the below pip command to install it,
pip3 install mysql-connector
If you have already installed MySql connector, this comment will try to update it if any updates are available or else it will just install them.
MySQL Installation
Visit this link to download the community version of the MySql https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/.
You will be provided with the variety if lists from which you have to choose
MySQL Community Server
MySQL Workbench
Once download and installed click and open the MySQL Workbench from installed program and connect to your MySql Server.
To sums things up, we can now create a database. Let us create a database named "mermaid"